Animated Bar

Create an animated bar that fills up based on a target value to measure of whatever KPI is relevant for you.

The blog post:
The youtube video:

What you need to know:

  • The Stars are static ressources
  • The bar is animated
  • The ‘motivational’ phrases can be switched and are set for every 10% step
  • My use case is tracking calls and the target value is a custom field on the user

Static Ressources

Lightning Component


<aura:component controller="TaskController" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction,lightning:availableForFlowScreens" access="global">
    <aura:attribute name="completedTasks" type="Integer" default="0" />
    <aura:attribute name="maxValue" type="Decimal" default="0" />
    <aura:attribute name="isProgressing" type="Boolean" default="false" />
    <aura:attribute name="progress" type="Integer" default="0" />
    <aura:attribute name="starsToShow" type="String" default="Stars_0" />
    <aura:attribute name="motivationalPhrase" type="String" default="" />
    <aura:attribute name="showExtraText" type="String" default="" />
    <aura:attribute name="currentUser" type="User"/> 
    <aura:attribute name="exceededPercentage" type="String" default=""/> 
    <aura:attribute name="showExceededText" type="String" default="" />
    <aura:attribute name="selectedTimeRange" type="String" default="today" />
    <force:recordData aura:id="recordLoader" 
      <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.init}" />
    <div style="background-color: white; padding-bottom: 4rem; padding-top: 1rem; padding-left: 1rem; padding-right: 1rem;">
    <div class="slds-form-element__control slds-grow slds-show_inline-block">
    	<lightning:select name="selectedTimeRange" label="Date Filter" onchange="{!c.onTimeRangeChange}" >
            <option value="today">Today</option>
            <option value="thisWeek">This Week</option>
            <option value="thisMonth">This Month</option>
      <div class="stars-container">
            <div class="stars-container">
      <aura:if isTrue="{!v.starsToShow == 'Stars_0'}">
        <img src="{!$Resource.Stars_0}" alt="Zero Stars" style="width: 25%; height: 100%;" />
    <aura:if isTrue="{!v.starsToShow == 'Stars_1'}">
        <img src="{!$Resource.Stars_1}" alt="One Star" style="width: 25%; height: 100%;" />
    <aura:if isTrue="{!v.starsToShow == 'Stars_2'}">
        <img src="{!$Resource.Stars_2}" alt="Two Stars" style="width: 25%; height: 100%;" />
    <aura:if isTrue="{!v.starsToShow == 'Stars_3'}">
        <img src="{!$Resource.Stars_3}" alt="Three Stars" style="width: 25%; height: 100%;" />
    <div class="slds-progress-bar slds-progress-bar_circular" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuenow="{!v.progress}">
        <div class="slds-progress-bar__value" style="{!'width:' + (v.progress > 100 ? 100 : v.progress) + '%; background-color: #5DFCA5;'}">
            <div class="motivational-text">
             <p>  {!v.motivationalPhrase}</p> 
                <aura:if isTrue="{!EMPTY(v.exceededPercentage)}">
           <p>      {!v.progress}% </p>	
                <aura:if isTrue="{!NOT(EMPTY(v.exceededPercentage))}">
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

    onTimeRangeChange: function(component, event, helper) {
        var selectedTimeRange = event.getSource().get("v.value");
        component.set('v.selectedTimeRange', selectedTimeRange);
        console.log("selectedTimeRange: ", selectedTimeRange);
        helper.helperInit(component, event, helper, selectedTimeRange);

    init: function(component, event, helper) {
        var userId = $A.get("$SObjectType.CurrentUser.Id");
        var selectedTimeRange = component.get("v.selectedTimeRange"); 
        console.log("selectedTimeRange:", selectedTimeRange);
        var action = component.get("c.getUserCallGoal");
            userId: userId,
            selectedTimeRange: selectedTimeRange
        action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
            var state = response.getState();
            if (state === "SUCCESS") {
                var callGoal = response.getReturnValue();
                var currentDate = new Date();
                console.log("Call Goal:", callGoal);
                component.set("v.maxValue", callGoal); // Set the max value for the progress bar
                var action2 = component.get("c.getTasksForUserByTimeRange");

                var selectedTimeRange = component.get("v.selectedTimeRange"); 
                    userId: userId,
                    selectedTimeRange: selectedTimeRange
                action2.setCallback(this, function(response2) {
                    var state2 = response2.getState();
                    if (state2 === "SUCCESS") {
                        var tasks = response2.getReturnValue();
                        var completedTasks = tasks.length;
                        console.log("Completed Tasks:", completedTasks);
                        component.set("v.completedTasks", completedTasks); // Set the completed tasks attribute
                        console.log("callGoal:", callGoal);
                        // Calculate the completed percentage
                        var completedPercentage1 = (completedTasks / callGoal) * 100;
                        var completedPercentage = Math.round(completedPercentage1);

                        // Initialize a counter for real-time completed tasks count
                        var completedTasksCounter = completedTasks;
						var translations = {
                            'today': 'today',
                            'thisWeek': 'this week',
                            'thisMonth': 'this month'
                        var translatedTimeRange = translations[selectedTimeRange] || selectedTimeRange;

                            // Check if completedTasks is 0
                        if (completedTasks === 0) {
                            // Display the initial motivational message
                            var initialMotivationalPhrase = "Let's go! You have to make " + " " + callGoal + " calls " + translatedTimeRange +"." ;
                            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', initialMotivationalPhrase);

                        } else {
                        if (completedTasks > callGoal) {


                            component.set('v.isProgressing', true);
                            var targetProgress = completedPercentage; // Calculate the target progress
                            var increment = 1; // Adjust the increment value as needed

                            component._interval = setInterval($A.getCallback(function() {
                                var currentProgress = component.get('v.progress');
                                if (currentProgress < targetProgress ) {
                                    // Increment progress smoothly
                                    var newProgress = Math.min(currentProgress + increment, targetProgress);
                                    component.set('v.progress', newProgress);

                                       // Calculate the completed percentage
                       				 var completedPercentage = (completedTasks / callGoal) * 100;
                                    } else {
                                        component.set('v.isProgressing', false);
                                        // Once the calculations are complete, update the final image
                                        // Update starsToShow attribute based on completedTasksCounter
                                        if (completedTasksCounter < 0.8 * callGoal) {
                                            component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_0');
                                        } else if (completedTasksCounter >= 0.8 * callGoal && completedTasksCounter < 0.9 * callGoal) {
                                            component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_1');
                                        } else if (completedTasksCounter >= 0.9 * callGoal && completedTasksCounter < callGoal) {
                                            component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_2');
                                        } else if (completedTasksCounter >= callGoal) {  // Only set three stars if the final progress is reached
                                            component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_3');
                                }), 20); 
                                var finalMotivationalPhrase = "Is there an incentive coming up? You have exceeded your goal and achieved " + completedTasks + "/" + callGoal + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', finalMotivationalPhrase);
                        // Automatically start progressing if not all tasks are completed
                        if (completedTasks <= callGoal ) {
                            component.set('v.isProgressing', true);
                            var targetProgress = completedPercentage; // Calculate the target progress
                            var increment = 1; // Adjust the increment value as needed

                            component._interval = setInterval($A.getCallback(function() {
                                var currentProgress = component.get('v.progress');
                                if (currentProgress < targetProgress ) {
                                    // Increment progress smoothly
                                    var newProgress = Math.min(currentProgress + increment, targetProgress);
                                    component.set('v.progress', newProgress);
                                       // Calculate the completed percentage
                       				 var completedPercentage = (completedTasks / callGoal) * 100;
                                    if(completedPercentage < 10) {
                                    // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                    completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "That's a great start! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                    component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                    else if (completedPercentage < 20)
                                        // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                    completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Keep it up! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                    component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                    else if (completedPercentage < 30)
                                        // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                    completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "You're making progress! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                    component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                     else if (completedPercentage < 40)
                                        // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                    completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Stay on it! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                    component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                     else if (completedPercentage < 50)
                                        // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                    completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Almost halfway there! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                    component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                     else if (completedPercentage < 60)
                                        // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                    completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "You're on the right track! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                    component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                     else if (completedPercentage < 70)
                                        // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                    completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "You're on a roll! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                    component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                    else if (completedPercentage < 80)
                                        // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                    completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Awesome job! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                    component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                    else if (completedPercentage < 90)
                                        // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                    completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Almost there! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                    component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                    else if (completedPercentage < 100)
                                        // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                    completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Your phone is buzzing! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                    component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                    else if (completedPercentage = 100)
                                        // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                    completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Give yourself a pat on the back! You have reached your goal and completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                    component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                        // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                    completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "You are on fire! You've completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " tasks " + selectedTimeRange;
                                    component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);

                                } else {
                                    component.set('v.isProgressing', false);

                                    // Once the calculations are complete, update the final image
                                    // Update starsToShow attribute based on completedTasksCounter
                                    if (completedTasksCounter < 0.8 * callGoal) {
                                        component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_0');
                                    } else if (completedTasksCounter >= 0.8 * callGoal && completedTasksCounter < 0.9 * callGoal) {
                                        component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_1');
                                    } else if (completedTasksCounter >= 0.9 * callGoal && completedTasksCounter < callGoal) {
                                        component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_3');
                                    } else if (completedTasksCounter >= callGoal) {  // Only set three stars if the final progress is reached
                                        component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_3');
                            }), 20); // Adjust the interval duration for smoother animation
              //   helper.checkVerteilungsregelnCallGoals(component, event, helper);
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

    helperInit: function(component, event, helper,selectedTimeRange) {
        var userId = $A.get("$SObjectType.CurrentUser.Id");

         // Clear previous progress and related attributes
            component.set('v.progress', 0);
            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', ''); // Clear motivational message
            component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_0'); // Reset stars

        console.log("userIdZ:", userId);
        console.log("selectedTimeRangeZ:", selectedTimeRange);

        var action = component.get("c.getUserCallGoal");
            userId: userId,
            selectedTimeRange: selectedTimeRange
        action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
            var state = response.getState();
            console.log("state:", state);
            if (state === "SUCCESS") {
                var callGoal = response.getReturnValue();
                var currentDate = new Date();
                component.set("v.maxValue", callGoal); // Set the max value for the progress bar
                console.log("callGoal helper:", callGoal);


                var action2 = component.get("c.getTasksForUserByTimeRange");
                    userId: userId,
                    selectedTimeRange: selectedTimeRange
                action2.setCallback(this, function(response2) {
                    var state2 = response2.getState();
                    if (state2 === "SUCCESS") {
                        var tasks = response2.getReturnValue();
                        var completedTasks = tasks.length;
                        console.log("callGoal state2:", callGoal);
                        component.set("v.completedTasks", completedTasks); // Set the completed tasks attribute
                        console.log('completedTasks helperInit: ', completedTasks);
                        // Calculate the completed percentage
                        var completedPercentage1 = (completedTasks / callGoal) * 100;
                        var completedPercentage = Math.round(completedPercentage1);


                        if (component._interval) {
                        // Initialize a counter for real-time completed tasks count
                        var completedTasksCounter = completedTasks;
                        var translations = {
                            'today': 'today',
                            'thisWeek': 'this week',
                            'thisMonth': 'this month'
                        var translatedTimeRange = translations[selectedTimeRange] || selectedTimeRange;
                           // Check if completedTasks is 0
                        if (completedTasks === 0) {
                            // Display the initial motivational message
                            var initialMotivationalPhrase = "Let's go! You have to make " + " " + callGoal + " calls " + translatedTimeRange +"." ;
                            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', initialMotivationalPhrase);

                        } else {

                            if (completedTasks > callGoal) {

                              component.set('v.isProgressing', true);
                              var targetProgress = completedPercentage; // Calculate the target progress
                              var increment = 1; // Adjust the increment value as needed
                              component._interval = setInterval($A.getCallback(function() {
                                  var currentProgress = component.get('v.progress');
                                  if (currentProgress < targetProgress ) {
                                      // Increment progress smoothly
                                      var newProgress = Math.min(currentProgress + increment, targetProgress);
                                      component.set('v.progress', newProgress);
                                         // Calculate the completed percentage
                                          var completedPercentage = (completedTasks / callGoal) * 100;
                                      } else {
                                          component.set('v.isProgressing', false);
                                          // Once the calculations are complete, update the final image
                                          // Update starsToShow attribute based on completedTasksCounter
                                          if (completedTasksCounter < 0.8 * callGoal) {
                                              component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_0');
                                          } else if (completedTasksCounter >= 0.8 * callGoal && completedTasksCounter < 0.9 * callGoal) {
                                              component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_1');
                                          } else if (completedTasksCounter >= 0.9 * callGoal && completedTasksCounter < callGoal) {
                                              component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_2');
                                          } else if (completedTasksCounter >= callGoal) {  // Only set three stars if the final progress is reached
                                              component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_3');
                                  }), 20); 
                                var finalMotivationalPhrase = "Is there an incentive coming up? You have exceeded your goal and achieved " + completedTasks + "/" + callGoal + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', finalMotivationalPhrase);
                        // Automatically start progressing if not all tasks are completed
                        if (completedTasks <= callGoal ) {
                            component.set('v.isProgressing', true);
                            var targetProgress = completedPercentage; // Calculate the target progress
                            var increment = 1; // Adjust the increment value as needed

                            component._interval = setInterval($A.getCallback(function() {
                                var currentProgress = component.get('v.progress');
                                if (currentProgress < targetProgress ) {
                                    // Increment progress smoothly
                                    var newProgress = Math.min(currentProgress + increment, targetProgress);
                                    component.set('v.progress', newProgress);
                                       // Calculate the completed percentage
                       				 var completedPercentage = (completedTasks / callGoal) * 100;
                                        if(completedPercentage < 10) {
                                            // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                            completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "That's a great start! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                            else if (completedPercentage < 20)
                                                // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                            completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Keep it up! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                            else if (completedPercentage < 30)
                                                // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                            completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "You're making progress! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                             else if (completedPercentage < 40)
                                                // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                            completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Stay on it! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                             else if (completedPercentage < 50)
                                                // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                            completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Almost halfway there! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                             else if (completedPercentage < 60)
                                                // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                            completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "You're on the right track! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                             else if (completedPercentage < 70)
                                                // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                            completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "You're on a roll! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                            else if (completedPercentage < 80)
                                                // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                            completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Awesome job! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                            else if (completedPercentage < 90)
                                                // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                            completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Almost there! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                            else if (completedPercentage < 100)
                                                // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                            completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Your phone is buzzing! You have completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                            else if (completedPercentage = 100)
                                                // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                            completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "Give yourself a pat on the back! You have reached your goal and completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " calls " + translatedTimeRange + ".";
                                            component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);
                                        // Update completedTasksCounter and motivationalPhrase
                                    completedTasksCounter = Math.floor((newProgress / 100) * callGoal); // Recalculate based on progress
                                    var updatedMotivationalPhrase = "You are on fire! You've completed " + completedTasksCounter + "/" + component.get('v.maxValue') + " tasks " + selectedTimeRange;
                                    component.set('v.motivationalPhrase', updatedMotivationalPhrase);

                                } else {
                                    component.set('v.isProgressing', false);

                                    // Once the calculations are complete, update the final image
                                    // Update starsToShow attribute based on completedTasksCounter
                                    if (completedTasksCounter < 0.8 * callGoal) {
                                        component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_0');
                                    } else if (completedTasksCounter >= 0.8 * callGoal && completedTasksCounter < 0.9 * callGoal) {
                                        component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_1');
                                    } else if (completedTasksCounter >= 0.9 * callGoal && completedTasksCounter < callGoal) {
                                        component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_2');
                                    } else if (completedTasksCounter >= callGoal) {  // Only set three stars if the final progress is reached
                                        component.set('v.starsToShow', 'Stars_3');
                            }), 20); // Adjust the interval duration for smoother animation

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

.THIS .stars-container {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    margin-bottom: 10px; /* Adjust this value as needed */

.THIS .motivational-text {
    position: relative;
    top: 10px; /* Adjust the spacing from the circular progress bar */
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 16px;
    background-color: white;
Code language: CSS (css)
Apex Class

public with sharing class TaskController {
     * Fetches the call goal for a given user based on the selected time range.
     * @param userId The ID of the user.
     * @param selectedTimeRange The time range (today, thisWeek, thisMonth).
     * @return The call goal as a Decimal value.
    public static Decimal getUserCallGoal(Id userId, String selectedTimeRange) {
        // Query the User object for the call goal fields.
        User userRecord = [
            SELECT Daily_KPI_Target__c, Weekly_KPI_Target__c, Monthly_KPI_Target__c
            FROM User 
            WHERE Id = :userId 
            LIMIT 1
        // If the user record is not found, return 0 to prevent null reference errors.
        if (userRecord == null) {
            return 0;

        // Return the appropriate call goal based on the selected time range.
        if (selectedTimeRange == 'today') {
            return userRecord.Daily_KPI_Target__c != null ? userRecord.Daily_KPI_Target__c : 0;
        } else if (selectedTimeRange == 'thisWeek') {
            return userRecord.Weekly_KPI_Target__c != null ? userRecord.Weekly_KPI_Target__c : 0;
        } else if (selectedTimeRange == 'thisMonth') {
            return userRecord.Monthly_KPI_Target__c != null ? userRecord.Monthly_KPI_Target__c : 0;

        return 0; // Default return value if the time range is invalid.
     * Fetches tasks assigned to a user within a specific time range.
     * @param userId The ID of the user.
     * @param selectedTimeRange The time range (today, thisWeek, thisMonth).
     * @return A list of Task records that fall within the specified time range.
    public static List<Task> getTasksForUserByTimeRange(Id userId, String selectedTimeRange) {
        Date currentDate =;
        Date startDate;
        Date endDate;
        // Determine the start and end date based on the selected time range.
        if (selectedTimeRange == 'thisWeek') {
            startDate = currentDate.toStartOfWeek();
            endDate = startDate.addDays(6); // Get the last day of the current week.
        } else if (selectedTimeRange == 'thisMonth') {
            startDate = currentDate.toStartOfMonth();
            endDate = startDate.addMonths(1).addDays(-1); // Get the last day of the current month.
        } else {
            // Default to today's tasks.
            startDate = currentDate;
            endDate = currentDate;
        // Query tasks that fall within the specified date range and belong to the user.
        return [
            SELECT Id 
            FROM Task 
            WHERE OwnerId = :userId 
            AND ActivityDate >= :startDate 
            AND ActivityDate <= :endDate
     * Fetches all tasks assigned to a list of users for today.
     * @param userIds List of User IDs.
     * @return A map of User IDs to lists of Task records.
    public static Map<Id, List<Task>> getTasksForAllUsersToday(List<Id> userIds) {
        Date currentDate =;

        // Query all tasks for the provided user IDs for today.
        List<Task> tasks = [
            SELECT Id, OwnerId
            FROM Task
            WHERE OwnerId IN :userIds
            AND ActivityDate = :currentDate

        // Map to store tasks grouped by User ID.
        Map<Id, List<Task>> tasksByUserId = new Map<Id, List<Task>>();
        // Iterate over retrieved tasks and associate them with their respective users.
        for (Task task : tasks) {
            if (!tasksByUserId.containsKey(task.OwnerId)) {
                tasksByUserId.put(task.OwnerId, new List<Task>());

        return tasksByUserId;
Code language: PHP (php)

Formula to calculate business days:

1, 22,
2, IF(
MOD(YEAR(TODAY()), 4) = 0,
AND(MOD(YEAR(TODAY()), 100) = 0, MOD(YEAR(TODAY()), 400) = 0)
3, 23,
4, 22,
5, 23,
6, 20,
7, 23,
8, 23,
9, 21,
10, 23,
11, 22,
12, 21,

Code language: PHP (php)

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