If you are into APIs and Endpoints you will at some point store requests or responses or both in salesforce. The easiest way to do this is to create a long text area field that will hold the values for you. That might be custom process or even a installed like the App for the Stripe integration.
There you will have a field called stripeGC__Request_Body__c and the values look like this:

Now this is not super easy to read so I figured there has to be a way to display this as a JSON in Salesforce itself.
And here we go:

This makes some uses just easier to handle. I created a LWC you can find here: https://salesforcepanda.com/jsonviewer-lwc/
There is an option with and without involving apex. For this use case it’s without apex as the LWC is placed on the record / object that holds the field itself.
Just make sure to switch the object and field according to your needs!
import REQUEST_FIELDS from ‘@salesforce/schema/yourObject.yourField’;
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